Tuesday, February 02, 2016

not enough time in the day

These days I seem to have more fun stuff to do then there are hours in the day. It is not a bad problem to have, really. The kids are older and maybe don't need the near constant hands on care that they did as infants/toddlers, but they need my time in other ways like homework I can just barely understand. What the heck is this new math they are doing anyway?

I have said before that life would be grand if I could figure out how to go without sleep. Ha! As if crawling into my bed at the end of the day isn't a treat in itself, but if I could somehow figure out how to gain myself a few extra hours in the day I could spend them on...

Catching up on Netflix, Suits! The Mindy Project! Brooklyn 99! Nashville. Friday Night Lights. The Office. Greys and about a million documentaries.

Colouring, that octopus is never going to get finished at this rate.

Reading. All The Light We Cannot See is a beautiful book that needs quiet and a mug of tea to truly be appreciated.

Plants vs Zombies because of course. Can't miss out on the pinata party.


And finally more time for drinks with friends!

What would you spend your extra hours on if you had them?

1 comment:

Betsy Hart said...

Probably read more books. :P And I hear you on the math!